Submission Number: UBR-DEIS-00410 -- Oral Comment at Public Meeting 

Received: 12/3/2020 12:00:00 AM
Commenter: Cambria Redmond

Agency: STB
Initiative: Uinta Basin Railway EIS
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
Hello, can you hear me?


So, my name is Cambria Redmond and I am a senior undergraduate studying at Metropolitan State, Denver.· So, I'm currently in Colorado, but I'm a Utah native.· I am studying integrative healthcare and biology.· So I propose No-Action.· Woefully inadequate is all too correct of a statement.· There is no assurance that there will be a movement towards decarbonization for use with this rail line as well as this is a privately funded project.· So public use is not assured or intended.

So diversification of markets is minimal. I think that if there was any possible way of
construction, assurance that movement towards decarbonization and a movement towards more sustainable markets, energy production, such as wind turbines or solar energy, could provide even more jobs than traditional coal or gas and minimize ecological impacts.

There really is no reason that we should be continually investing in a market that will not sustain our generations from here on out.·That's really it. All of the ecological impacts have been mentioned by others.· And there is no possible way that a private company should have the say on people's private or public national lands.· That's really it.

For the well-being of our children, if we wish to have any in the next coming generations.· And the lands of the Uinta Basin just because there is so much natural gas does not mean that we should be using it.· There is better ways.· Thank you so much.